Course description

Environmental Studies (EVS) at the primary stage envisages exposing children to the real situations in their surroundings to help them connect, be aware of, appreciate and be sensitised towards the prevailing environmental issues (natural, physical, social and cultural). The NCF-2005 recommends an integrated and thematic approach towards its teaching learning at the entire primary stage. Beginning with the child’s immediate surroundings (including natural, social, physical and cultural settings) related to self, home, school and family in the early grades and gradually moving on to the wider environment (neighbourhood and community at large), EVS not only helps children to get acquainted with their own environment but it also strengthens their bond with it. Creating learning situations in the context of children is very crucial to learning EVS. Efforts need to be made to avoid giving direct information, definitions and descriptions and instead create situations for children to construct their own knowledge by interacting first hand with their surroundings and with other children, elders and significant others.

What will i learn?


  • Observe and explore the immediate surroundings.

Professional Academicians





Skill level


Expiry period


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